Friday, January 8, 2010

Have you ever

been in love with a fictional character?

I'm hooked on the Joker! Both the one in the comics and the one portrayed by the late great Heath Ledger. Plus I think he's the only guy alive who can pull off green hair with a purple suit and look hawt.

He's got messy green hair, piercing green eyes, and this insane smile. Mrrrgghhhh. *goes weak at the knees* I don't know why he has a tattoo here - he doesn't really have one. And he isn't really that buff either, but this picture makes me go EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeelike a fangirl. (Embarassingly.)
This is Heath Ledger's Joker without makeup when he shoots (or tries to) the Commissioner. HEH CUTE.

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